Sunday, August 30, 2009

Video in the classroom Intro.

I really enjoy Mr. Needleman's approach to reading. This idea is very creative. I can see why it is successful. I'm very interested in listening to what he has to say in class. Hopefully it will be very helpful to me in the future!! =)


I think that Podcasts are very interesting, and I'm glad that I am getting the oppurtunity to learn about all the new technology out there. I thought I was pretty good at the technology and knew alot about it, but there are several more things to learn. Their are good sides to the podcasts, but there were also some dislikes as well.
I like how podcast are free!!! =) They are also very easy to find on itunes. There was no stress trying to locate the right ones or anything like that. Also the podcast are educational. It helps also to have fun, upbeat people doing the show, like Ben and Joan. They were very enthusiastic about their podcast! The Music is exciting and gets you involved.
However the down side was that i feel they talk wayyy to much, about other uninteresting things. If I want to listen to a podcast and learn about a smartboard, I would like for them to get strainght to the point. I hope that doesnt sound rude. Even though some of the "chatter" was humerous and entertaining, it was just TOO much talk in my opinion.
Also the music on some of the podcast was to loud and i could hardly hear the laady talking. =(
But through this exercise I have become more familiar with podcasting and also with itunes. I now feel more confident with my next assignment. Hopefully my next assignment can turn out to be just as good as one that I have heard.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

I like this video, but there were a few parts where I disagree. I think it is good for children to learn how to communicate online, and how to work with certain blogs and web pages. But I also think that children are now days to much on the computer with Video Games/Myspace/chat rooms.... and is that a good thing?
I think that Vicki Davis has a good thing going. I felt, just from watching the video, that she was making a difference in their little rural town of Georgia. The students were actually teaching the other students. Also having them look up words they dont understand on google, rather than her just explaining the definition is a way to have them be more responsible. =) Another thing i liked from the video, was the class traveling to the middle east for a conference. That is something the students will never forget.

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

I really enjoyed this LONGGGGG video. =) Ken Robinson is a very talented man. He also has alot of humorous stories to tell to help prove his point. I really like the story where the teacher asked the little 7 year old girl what she was drawing, and she said "God". The teacher replied, "Well no one knows what god looks like." and the little girl responds, "They will in a minute." =) that is so cute. I agree with him on almost everything he said. There are alot of people that think they have ADHD, and probably do..... but there are other ways we can cure our abnomalities other than Medication all the time!! Just Dance!

Did You Know?/Mr.Winkle Wakes

Well I will be honest, I put this off until the last minute because I was afraid the videos were going to be boring. But this Video was very interesting. My little sister (12 years old) even liked it. The information was very interesting. I think its crazy that so many people have a MYSPACE. I mean if myspace were a country it would be the 5th largest! That is alot of people!! I was shocked that the number of text messages sent and received everyday, exceeds the total population of the planet. Its crazy that the information students learn will be outdated within the next three years of learning it. What is the point?
Technology is growing tremendously. We have computers/Robots helping out and performing during surgeries now. I wonder what will be next? By 2013 a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computational capabilities of the human brain. I really enjoyed knowing the things that were taking place throughout the world during the video, such as the births in the U.S., China and India. And also how 694,000 songs were being download illegaly. I enjoyed this video. =)

I enjoyed Mr. Winkle Wakes as well. Its true, technology is growing SOOO fast!! As i mentioned above we have robots performing surgeries now. Its really neat how people are able to communicate now through computers and actually looking at each other. Technology has made this life alot of fun, but in a way im concerned with how far the technology is gonna go. I mean what will they create next?? It's kinda scary in a way. I don't want a robot as a doctor. However i do think that the technology we have now can help us cure more sicknesses. But as many things change it is true that school has remained the same, even though we have smart boards in our classrooms. =) haha...Its still the same ol' "teacher-to-student" lectures most of the time.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welcome to my Blog!! =)

Hey!! I am a Junior this year, majoring in Elem. Education. I work at UMS Wright, helping with after school extended care. I Love Kids!!! =) They are so cute...most of the time!
